Flo Of The Somme

In this, the third in the Poppies trilogy, Mercy Dog Flo, has more to contend with than racing across dangerous battlefields. Can she reach the injured in time with her first aid kit, and can she lead Ray and the ambulance unit to the injured?
Flo Of The Somme pays tribute to the remarkable bravery of the pigeons and animals who risked their lives during World War 1.
- £9.99 Standard

Incredibly moving story of Flo, the Mercy dog, working in the trenches, from the author of The Christmas Truce. Published ahead of the Battle of Somme centenary in 2016.
This book would be a welcome addition to resources to support a project for older primary children studying the First World War. Would younger children cope? A true story about animals nearly always has appeal and I think children aged six or seven perhaps would be able to appreciate listening to it read aloud. The book is in large enough format for the sharing adult to show the detailed and involving illustrations which reveal our debt to the effort of animals in the First World War.
Flo of the Somme is an absolutely stunning book: beautiful illustrations and a moving story told in a simple, meaningful way. The history of children’s literature tells us that young people are fascinated by stories of animals: and through the pages of this new book they will see the First World War in a very different way. I hope one day that it might inspire them to stand at Crucifix Corner, depicted in the book, look towards the dark mass of High Wood and imagine Flo there with them, and remember the millions of animals who were there because ‘they had no choice’.